Programs and Groups
for Special Populations
Caregivers, Welcome!
​Being a caregiver has its own unique challenges. Sometimes this requires additional support. NExT Foundation is here to help through collaboration, referrals, groupwork, community building and retreats.
In support of youth:
Teen and children Great Kid groups are offered throughout the year. Please see calendar, or contact us to learn more.
For Caregivers:
Compassion Fatigue and Burnout is something that impacts caregivers and helping professions alike. We focus on supporting wellness and addressing these symptoms through workshops, retreats, and presentations.
Community building is important to NExT. We understand the need for a "third place" to be in safe community, to support one another, and to find a haven away from the challenges of daily life. We offer ongoing community creative process. Look for ZenDen and monthly open studio as a place to drop in monthly. Create, meet a new person, and find new ways to let art transform your life!
Sometimes individual support is also sought by our community participants. If family, individual or couple therapy is something that might benefit you or someone you know, we can assist through referrals. We have built relationships with many competent and reliable professionals in the greater Omaha area, many who employ the creative process in their therapeutic work.